Handicapped Signage /ADA Sign in Braille


Signs for San Diego a Commercial Sign Company, makes handicapped signage. Building Apartments and Condos requires handicapped signage. Specifically, ada signs, directional signage, handicap parking signage, wayfinding signage and more. Did you use the wrong Braille on your sign?? What? Isn’t Braille just Braille – No?? Recently I learned this is not the case. There is a sign shop in San Diego that makes excellent signs. About 3 years ago the owner bought a special machine to make ADA signs. ADA is a law called “Americans with Disabilities” (ADA). It is a massive law, and in one small section it outlines the requirements for signs for the visually impaired.There are 3 elements to these ADA signs:

Location – recently the height on these signs has been lowered for wheelchair users. The original height was more visible but could not be felt from a wheelchair.

Visual and tactile shapes. The outline of the sign and the shape within the sign is large and standard. For example, the bathroom will have a triangle and the shape of a man or women. This can be seen and felt

handicapped signage Tool inserting little balls to make Braille


the braille is easy to see in this sign

The last element is the Braille. These are a series of beads. The beads are plastic and placed, with the aid of a machine, into drilled holes.

So, my friend made signs, using the software in his new machine, for the entire building. He installed them and they were beautiful. But there was a hidden problem

There are 3 types of Braille and the most obvious one for us sighted folks to use…is wrong! There is the “letter by letter” called Grade 1. Grade 1 Braille is the obvious choice, but in this building – filled with signs in “Grade 1” they were all wrong. Grade 2 is specified by the ADA law.

What to know more?

Here are several related posts:

  1. Apartment Building handicapped signage
  2. ADA Signs color match for Handicapped signage
  3. handicapped signage: Certificate of Occupancy
  4. Handicapped Signage Manufacturer
  5. Wrong Braille on your handicapped signage
  6. Handicapped signage: know Braille?
  7. handicapped signage Materials
  8. Handicapped signage – retail build out? 
  9. Handicapped Signage Need Not be Ugly! 
  10. Handicapped Signage Multifamily housing

Want to know more? Give us a call. 760-730-5118

Let’s start with what Braille is.

So do you know how to specify signs with the right Braille. Do you know how to tell the difference. Signage is a very visual art form; do you have a blind person to proofread for you.  Need ADA Signs? Give us a call 760-730-5118