Handicapped Signage: Certificate of Occupancy

Signs for San Diego, a Commercial Sign Company, Designs, builds and installs handicapped signage, specifically for Multifamily housing such as Building Apartments, Condos, and retirement communities. These require very specific handicapped signage defines as ADA signage. ADA signs, directional signage, handicap parking signage, wayfinding signage and more

Handicapped signage or ADA Signs
handicapped signage ADA Signs Apartment Signage

Where These Signs Went

In the heart of San Diego there is a non-descript 8 story apartment building in a secret location a short distance from the airport (One could walk there).  During the height of the COVID experience, construction crews were working most every day to finish the build.  Construction was considered “essential” and was slowed down, but never stopped for long. The project was late due to COVID, but it kept moving. It was started years before the great pandemic but was in full swing in March 2020.  This slowed the project down as the construction was finished by masked men working at a distance, alone, and we did the ADA signs, that is the required handicapped signage (don’t tell anybody)

Certificate of Occupancy and ADA signs

When a builder or remodeler starts a job, there is a lot of time to get everything done. Slowly, step by step the project falls a little behind. At the end, the building is almost done, the contract may have penalty clauses that are close at hand and there are a couple of overlooked trades that have not been scheduled. The infamous ones are the elevator, the paint, and the signs. At Signs for San Diego, we make ADA signs in-house. There are a lot of advantages with this. Advantages you can use to get the signs up and the CoO (Certificate of Occupancy) on time and done right.

confused Inspection for Handicap Signage to get a Certificate of Occupancy
ADA Signs Room IDs

We have all the people and equipment in Oceanside. While we cannot produce out of thin air, the communication delays, the shipping delays, and the other problems are minimized when you are talking directly with the manufacturer.

This ADA Sign Collection is a great example of San Diego Signs. There is rarely a project where the inspector does not require a few odd ball signs at the last moment. These normally result is a conditional permit, a promise to correct and an unwanted little makeup project. There is nothing worse than getting 95% done and then stalling out – this is exactly what distributors and remote manufacturing leaves you with. Waiting for some mystery shop in Norther California? Or worse, in New York? We make signs here, we normally have the excess material, the designs, and the details to make these few signs on the spot and end the project.

ADA Braille Signage reading Braille
By |2023-02-10T11:10:15+00:00November 27th, 2020|blog, Multifamily, project|

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