Unit IDs

ADA signs are required by law, being ugly is not. Handicapped signage became law through the Americans with Disabilities Act and is commonly referred to as ada signs. It covers directional signage, handicap parking signage, wayfinding signage and more. When you have real-estate that you put huge amounts of time and money into, the last think you want are ugly signs. With a little imagination, the legal requirements can be met at the same time the property appearance improved. What do you think? Plain ADA signs to do the minimum to comply or something a little more playful, colorful, and attractive?

Use a shape to make the unit ID more interesting
use of laminates and making the door bell a parent IDt of the u

There are several ways to make your property stand out.  Use shapes, not the tried-and-true rectangle.  A router can cut nearly any shape. Pick something that carries the theme of the property

Using a fade and color to make the Unit ID interesting

Use different materials. While a certain contrast and level of reflectivity are required by law, the materials can be creative and interesting

There are a lot of other ways for improve the signage. By doing so, you also increase the appeal and desirability of the property. That easily reflects in lower vacancies, and higher rents.  In turn raises the cash flow and value of the property. Here are several related posts:

  1. Apartment Building handicapped signage
  2. ADA Signs color match for Handicapped signage
  3. handicapped signage: Certificate of Occupancy
  4. Handicapped Signage Manufacturer
  5. Wrong Braille on your handicapped signage
  6. Handicapped signage: know Braille?
  7. ADA Materials
  8. Handicapped signage – retail build out? 
  9. Handicapped Signage Need Not be Ugly! 
  10. Handicapped Signage Multifamily housing

Want to know more? Give us a call. 760-730-5118

Contact us today at Signs for San Diego for ways to take the drab, dull mundane out of your property and get unique, custom designs for your ADA compliance requirements