Does Your Sign Have an Ugly Face

Do you have Marquee Letters or a Monument that looks bad? As older business signs start to fab and accumulated damage, they need help. We are commercial sign repair experts. Sign repair, servicing custom LED signs and monuments with new faces, panels, and routine sign maintenance. Have problems with your Marquee Letters, Monument signs, Pylon, or pole signs. Signs for San Diego can help with your sign repair. Think about it, you put out a lot of money for a sign and now it is detracting from your business. Does your sign have an ugly face or the wrong face?
Every day there are new tenants coming into commercial spaces and old ones are leaving. This means that the faces of the sign cabinets, monument and pylon signs have need to be updated for the new businesses. What is a face? It is always the side of the sign facing outward. It has a commercial message and/or is the path of light. The actual panel changes with the type of the sign. For Channel Letters, the faces are the acrylic where the light exits. These are in the shape of the letter underneath. I think of these as shoe box lids with a transparent or translucent lid.
For Sign Cabinets, the faces are the large slide in the piece of acrylic. Some have angle stock (called retainers) that screws around the side, some have a groove to slide in the face, others are hinged, and still others are screwed through the face. Sometimes you can tell, and sometimes you need to disassemble it and figure it out.

For Monument Signs, the faces are like sign cabinets and how its attachment is the question. Many unscrew a retainer and slide out. Others are pans that are held over a lip and screwed in. Just like Sign Cabinets, you need to look at it carefully to know. For Pylon Signs, the faces are the trickiest. These have all the challenges of a Sign Cabinet plus extra height, so 100% of the weight needs support the height. Alignment on the way back is even a bigger challenge. It is not unheard of to have faces approaching 100 pounds at 40 feet. Some require 2 booms, one to support the frame and one for a worker on the other side to free it.
There are 3 reasons to change out the faces.
The most common reason is the business name changes. Signs for San Diego does these several times a week.
The other reason is the sign is worn out and needs to be replaced.
The other reason is a restoration.
We can change out all the faces and make the sign look “new”. Along the way, there are other repairs often required. These include repairing and replacing places that rust out, are bent, missing, or in poor shape. Paint is a great way to cover up discoloration, different materials, fading, and other imperfections. You have not had an exciting day until you repair a pylon sign at 55 feet! There are other signage modifications as well, mostly electrical, that we can discuss with you.
Need an electric sign repair? We do a lot of led sign repair including ] Aerial Installs, Ground installs, Shopping Center Installs, Electrical Maintenance like this, a new sign for you or a retrofit for an older sign.
Whether you need a channel letter set, a monument signs, ADA signs, wayfinding signs, lobby signs, or any other type of commercial building signage, we can help!
Need sign maintenance? At Signs for San Diego, changing faces is a huge part of our service offerings. Sign restoration is a less common, but still important, part of the business. When you need Sign maintenance, Signs for San Diego is the best company in North County. Give us a call and let’s start fixing your sign!