Swimming Pool Signs Dangerous

Signs for San Diego, a commercial sign company makes swimming pool signs:  no diving sign, pool rules sign, diarrhea pool sign, swim at your own risk sign and others. Why would you want custom Swimming signs when they are online for cheap? It depends on your goals, most HOAs have branded custom signs because they want a 100% insurance of legal compliance. If it was a residential back yard pool, it is not an issue, but when there is an accident in an HOA pool, lawyers are involved. The signs need to comply with California’s special and odd rules. The fact is, when there is an accident, you need up to date signs.

If you own or manage a swimming pool open to the public, it is your responsibility to insure it meets code. Most pools don’t!! Your swimming pool probably does not meet code!!! If you run a “Public pool” in a commercial building, hotel, motel, resort, recreational vehicle or mobile home park, campground, apartment house, condominium, townhouses,

homeowner association, community building or area, public or private school, medical facility, bread, and breakfast, licensed day-care facility, recreation and park district, or a municipal pool, you need to take a careful look at your pool signage.

Legal Requirements

Blog Pool dual signs copy

The problem is the legal requirements change. These are set by a legislature that is not overly friendly to the public use of swimming pools and several the signage requirements are …. Ridiculous.

The law that you need to comply with are found in §3120B.1. It is modified periodically and was changed last in 2013. This law tells all pool owners and managers what they need to include in the Swimming Pool Signage they post. There are 13 separate requirements, and these are available in a white paper you can get at the bottom on this blog. Here are a few of the more interesting ones:

  1. There is a calculation based on size to figure out maximum capacity – is your math, right?
  2. Children under the age of 14 have different rules than those who are 15 years or older.
  3. An Artificial respiration and CPR signs now required 4. A 911 sign is now required
  4. The sign you don’t have involves …. Tada …. diarrhea!! Yes, you need a “diarrhea sign” to comply with the California Swimming Pool Signage law.

What happens if you do not comply? Nothing, there is no active inspection program or “diarrhea sign” police, but there is a problem.

If there is an “incident” and emergency services are required, there is a huge legal liability process that starts to come into play. At this point, your failure to comply with existing code is a major source of liability that could cost you millions. Signage compliance will cost you a few hundred dollars, but a legal action

Personal Injury Lawyers actively seek swimming pool accident cases. Will your future include an accident where you could be negligent? California swimming pool law requires signage and pool-rule postings. Your failure to comply opens you up to such liabilities. Lawyers also will urge your guest to report signage problems to the local code enforcement and child services departments.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, tells us that 30% of the deaths for 1–4-year-old are drowning, the drowning is the 2nd leading cause of deaths under the age of 14.

Do your part to protect children and yourself. Download the attached whitepaper and spend the money on pools signs. These have been reviewed by a lawyer and comply. It closes one area of potential liability.

As the summer heat is here, and people are visiting your swimming pool, it is a reasonable and necessary action

Do you have a project like this? See what Signs for San Diego can do for your business, call us today at (760) 730-5118