Signs for San Diego Small Business Certification
Signs for San Diego Receives Small Business Certification
The California Office of Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services (OSDS) has granted Signs for San Diego, California small business certification. The small business designation greatly simplifies the procurement process for California state agencies who may use the streamlined process known as the SB/DVBE Option to contract with California certified small business for goods, and services.
The OSDS believes the SB/DVBE Option is a tremendous procurement tool for Departments and Agencies to achieve the state’s goal of using 25% small business participation in the procurement process. Gov. Brown delivered the following statement addressing the goal for California state agencies to use small businesses wherever possible:
“In these turbulent economic times, it is the small business owners who are leading the charge back to prosperity and job creation…When we, along with all of our partners in local and national organizations, support private sector job creators, we enhance the human and capital infrastructure of California.”
There are a number of advantages for California government agencies when they purchase goods and services from certified small businesses. California agencies can use the SB/DVBE Option for purchases up to $250,000. The administrative fee assessed by the California Department of General Services Procurement Division (DGS-PD) when purchasing from larger sources with California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) vendor is waived if the CMAS vendor is certified as a small business/microbusiness.
Non-small business prime contractors such may receive a bid preference of 5% of the lowest responsible bid for using certified small businesses for at least 25% of their net bid price.
For additional information contact Signs for San Diego at 760-730-5118.

small business certification