Monument Sign Panels
Signs for San Diego makes business signs for other sign companies. These are custom led signs, monument signs and monument sign panels. These panels are custom metal signs.
Where do sign companies go when they need custom monument panels? Signs for San Diego is among a few companies that makes custom metal signs like custom monument signs and panels. We have one of the best manufacturing abilities in the region. We are the sign shop that is small enough to be responsive and big enough to do the complex and involved.  We start with a design and end with installation, making the entire process for custom led signs simple.
Fabricating Monument panels from raw sheets of Aluminum
We specialize in fabrication of custom monuments and architectural structures. Our inhouse abilities include design, and then we take raw Aluminum, Acrylic and paint and transform them into panels like these. We cut aluminum rods, tubes, and sheet metal. Then assemble and weld the panels and structure into your custom form. In this case large, curved faces are formed to fit. We use a computer-controlled router table to cut the names and logos into the sheet metal face before forming the curves.
Then we paint the formed panels. Our paint abilities are second to none with our inhouse paint system. These are backed with translucent Acrylic and vinyl. The faces are backlit with LEDs and shine like a beacon at night. Here we have a series of large (40 inch by 6 foot) curved panels with famous car manufacturer’s logos.
Our team is a collaboration of artists and technicians with decades of experience in transforming raw materials into fabulous commercial works of art. From dimensional signage to channel letters or monument faces like these we are the source in San Diego and around the country. We ship coast to coast. We make Blade Signs, ADA signs, Marquee Letters, Digital Signs, a monument Sign, 3D letters, Vinyl, a Plaque, or a Lobby Sign? Give us a call! 760-730-5118