Channel Letters

Marquee Letters – terms explained

By |2023-01-28T13:14:29+00:00November 26th, 2020|blog, Channel Letters|

Marquee Letters Terms Signs for San Diego, A commercial Sign Company, makes Marquee Letters. These are also called Illuminated signs or Channel Letters. These terms are explained.Every industry has its own set of terms, and “Channel Letters” are a great example. “Channel Letters” are used on restaurants, retail stores, large businesses, and many other places.

wayfinding signs for Hospital

By |2023-02-27T19:42:24+00:00November 26th, 2020|blog, Channel Letters, Monument, Uncategorized|

Hospital Wayfinding Signs Signs for San Diego a Commercial Sign Company designs, makes and installs wayfinding signs. These are Oceanside CA Signs for TriCity Hospital. Wayfinding has a number of meanings, it can mean directional signs such as exit route signs, arrows, maps, other signs telling people to go in a direction. These are custom

Marquee Letters for Poke 123

By |2023-02-10T04:28:56+00:00November 25th, 2020|blog, Channel Letters, Franchise, Shopping Center|

Marquee Letters Poke Signs for San Diego is a commercial sign company that sources “neon signs”. The modern custom led sign has made the custom neon signs of the past, obsolete. We also provide contract installs for National Companies like Jones Signs.  This is a Jones Sign Install, for an Imperial Beach Sign. This is

Marquee Letters for Graziano’s Pizza

By |2023-02-10T03:26:49+00:00November 25th, 2020|blog, Channel Letters, Shopping Center, Uncategorized|

Marquee Letters Grazianos Graziano’s Pizza is in a shopping mall where traffic volume is high. This is an example of Oceanside CA Signs.  They needed a set of marquee letters to attract customers from this traffic flow. In the past these types of signs were called Neon Signs, but they are LED lit today. They

high-rise installations – Moxy

By |2023-02-10T04:27:35+00:00November 25th, 2020|blog, Channel Letters, project|

High Rise Installations : Moxy Signs for San Diego does a limited number of Swing stage installations to put up custom LED signs beyond the reach of cranes. Sign company capable of high-rise installations are limited. High rise installations are always special installations with a large amount of planning and safety is job one.Signs on

The Best of the Old Neon Signs

By |2023-02-10T13:03:45+00:00November 24th, 2020|blog, Channel Letters, project|

Neon Signs The Museum of Neon Art salvages old Neon signs, but not just any signs, the best of the survivors. These Neon Signs are iconic, they are about a time gone by. Neon is a gateway between scientific principles and artistic expression. Neon illumination integrates electrical technology, creative design, and fundamental concepts of physics

Marquee letters for Turbo Car Wash

By |2023-02-10T03:46:38+00:00November 23rd, 2020|blog, Channel Letters, Monument|

Marquee Letters Turbo Car Wash Turbo Car Wash and the benefits of effective Signage. Signs for San Diego is a sign shop or signage company. We make company signs, that is custom signs. These a 3d signage mounting as wall lettering.  Large wall lettering is in. Many business owners feel that an electrically Illuminated LED

Marquee Letters for Primos Mexican

By |2023-03-13T03:18:18+00:00November 23rd, 2020|blog, Channel Letters, Shopping Center|

Marquee Letters AKA Channel Letters for Primos Mexican Modern Marquee Letters for Primos Mexican. Signs for San Diego is a Commercial Sign Company, we get calls of a neon sign and neon signs daily. What restaurant owners really want is a custom led sign, In the world of the electrical sign, led custom signs are the

Neon Signs, Custom LED Signs terms explained

By |2023-02-10T03:54:05+00:00November 22nd, 2020|blog, Channel Letters|

Neon Signs Custom LED Signs Terms Signs for San Diego is a commercial sign company that designs, makes, and installs all different types of signs. The public at large calls these “neon signs”, building signs, company signs and a range of other names. Insiders have a set of names the public in general does not

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