Illuminated signs

Retrofit Fluorescent to LED Pylon Signs

By |2023-02-10T13:56:27+00:00December 23rd, 2022|blog, Pylon, Service, Shopping Center|

Retrofit Fluorescent to LED Pylon Signs Signs for San Diego is a Commercial Sign Company that works on Pylon Signs and Monuments. New illuminated signs and custom signs are all LED lit. Older Pylon Signs are Fluorescent. 20 years ago, all Pylons and Monuments were Fluorescent so there are a lot of older signs out

Retrofit Fluorescent to LED

By |2023-02-10T10:06:02+00:00November 27th, 2020|blog, Service, Shopping Center|

Retrofit Fluorescent to LED Signs for San Diego is a Commercial Sign Company that services electrical signs: Pylon Signs, Monuments, Marquee letters, and more. Modern illuminated signs and custom signs are LED.  Pylon Signs and Monument signs ten years ago were Fluorescent. 20 years ago, many were neon signs. There are a lot of older

Marquee Letters – terms explained

By |2023-01-28T13:14:29+00:00November 26th, 2020|blog, Channel Letters|

Marquee Letters Terms Signs for San Diego, A commercial Sign Company, makes Marquee Letters. These are also called Illuminated signs or Channel Letters. These terms are explained.Every industry has its own set of terms, and “Channel Letters” are a great example. “Channel Letters” are used on restaurants, retail stores, large businesses, and many other places.

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